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This list is just some of the items commonly tossed out or donated by a family that will often sell for decent money during one of our sales….please do not trash these items….rather leave them for us to handle. When in doubt LEAVE it.

45s,  78s,  acorns,  advertising,  albums,  ammunition,  animal bones,  any cleaning chemicals,  anything holiday,  rons                 aquarium stands     aquariums
art brushes         art paper           art supplies            art work               ash trays                   Avon bottles
badges                bake-lite            baking pans           ball-bearings       bamboo                    banks
barbed wire        bar-guides        barometers           baskets                 b-b guns and bbs,    holsters
beakers               beer cans          beer lights            beer / any signs   benches                    bibles
bikes                   bike items          bird cages            bird houses          birds                         bobbins
bolo ties             book ends          book marks          books                   boxes                        crates
braces                bricks                  broken glass        broken lamps       broken necklaces    Boy Scout items
brooms              mops                   buckets                cameras                camping tools         camping gear
candles              cards                   carved wood        casino items         cast iron pans         pans
pots                    cds                      vhs                        beta items             ceramics                 chain or cable
chemicals          chemistry sets   chopsticks             chrome anything  circus items            clay
cleaners             clocks                 clock parts            clothes                   clothes lines           clothes racks
coasters             coins                  coke bottles          coke bottle tops     combs                    brushes
comics               compasses         concert stubs      cookbooks               cords                      electric plugs  
costumes           cowboy items    crab traps            crab nets                  cracker jack toys   craft items
crochet items     crutches            curling irons         curtain rods             curtain tie backs   curtains
cutting boards    darners             darts                      dart boards             dentures                 dice
dice cups            Disney items     dog anything         doll house misc.    door knobs            Disneyland items
drift wood           dusters              electric fans           embroidery            jewelry boxes       cigar boxes
vintage boxes     enamel ware     envelopes              stationary               spurs or tack         exercise equipment
eye glass cases   eye glasses       Farberware            feathers                  fence parts             file cabinets
file folders          film canisters     finials                     fishing poles          flags                         flashlights
flower frogs        kites                    fly-swatters           foil                           foil wrap                  folding chairs
folding tables     food items         foreign money      jars                          fruit crate labels     fruit pickers
funnels                galvanized anything                        games                      garden furniture    garden implements
garden items     gas station items                              gift wrap or cards  Girl Scout anything
glass fruit           glasses                 globes                  gloves                       glue sticks                gold teeth
gun cleaning kits                            guns/parts           hair barrettes          hair combs              handcuffs
handles               hankies               hardware in general                             hat boxes                 hats
hearing aids       helmets              cycle items            hood ornaments    hooks                        horse items
horse shoes       horse troughs    hubcaps                human bones         hunting items          ice crusher
ice trays              Indian baskets    ink                         insulators                jars                             any jewelry 

Jim beam bottles                            juicer                     key chains               kites                           knife sharpeners
knitting items     labels                  lace                        ladders                    lanterns                     leather scraps
lenses                  leopard anything                             letter openers        Levi anything            license plates
lighters                linens                  loose beads         luggage                    lures                           magazines
makeups             maps or map books                       marble                     marbles                      marital aids
matchbooks or sticks                    material               medicines                membership anything
metals or pins     milk cans          milk jars               mirrors                     mixers                         movie posters
nail-files               nail-clippers      nails                     napkin rings             sewing needles          needlework
newspapers        notebooks         nutcrackers        nuts                            oil buckets                 oil cans
oil jars                  oil pour spout   oils                       old                             old bank passports   old barn wood
old bottles           old candy boxes                            old car parts             old catalogs               phone books
old cigar boxes   cigarette wrappers                       credit cards               old gum wrappers   old hangars
keys or locks       old licenses        light bulbs         makeup containers   old military items   old movies or film
old or broken frames                    old or broken furniture                         old packaging         old school books
old sponges        old televisions   old televisions   old tickets                   old tins                     old wallets/purses
old windows        paint                  paint brushes    paint stripper remover                               paper
paper fans           paperbacks       paperclips          patriotic items            patterns                   pencils
pens/writing implements             pennies               perfumes                    phones                     photos
piano parts          pictures holders                           pillows                         pins                           pipe cleaners
pipes and smoking items             pitchers               plant stands               plastic                       plastic fruit
plate holders       playing cards    plows                  pocket knives             poker chips              political items
post cards            prescription eyeglasses              prosthetic anything   purses                      quilts or blankets
radio television tubes                    radios                 rags                              railroad items         canned goods
spices                    any unopened food items          rawhide                       record dusters        records
religious items     rock polisher    rocks                   rope, twine, string      rosaries                    rubber-bands
rugs                       rulers                 safety pins          sandpaper                  scarves                      scissors
scrap ivory            screen doors     screws                sculptures                  seeds                         sewing items

shades                 shakers               shaving kits         sheet music                 shells                     shoeshine equipment
shot glasses        signs                    silk flowers or plants                             silver filled teeth     silverware
skulls                    slide projector or screen               slide trays                  slides                         small appliances
snow shoes and skis                       soaps                  socks                           soda bottles             souvenirs
spice tins             spools                  sports cards       sports equipment     stained glass           stamps
stepstools            stereos               sterling anything  wringer washers      wrought iron         yard sticks
typewriters          uniforms            utensils                 vases                          waffle irons             wagons
wallets                  watch bands      watch cases         watch fobs                watches                    water jugs
hats                      gloves                  sweaters               boots                         shoe strings             street signs
thread                  ties                       tile                         tins                             toasters                     toiletries
tools                     toys and dolls     tramp art              folk art                      traps                           travel bags
travel cases         curtain rods        tool boxes            tool bags                   travel memorabilia  tree trimmers
Tupperware        turquoise            TV guides              TV trays                     watering cans           wax fruit
eelbarrow            wheelchairs        wire       wood                        wrapping paper        bows /ribbon
gift bags               tissue paper        thread  straight razors    stuffed animals   lawn furniture   
lawn ornaments wind-chimes       window screens  PlayStation anything  Gaming Systems  Nintendo anything
games   tackle boxes tapes  taxidermy  tea strainers  thermometers   suitcases   candles   used candles
organizers   yarn   stir sticks   paper trays  string wicker., old greeting cards, used greeting cards

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